Divine Skin and Beauty

Award Winning Taranaki Skin and Beauty Professionals

Sacred Divine Work Shop

Sacred Divine Work Shop


A 4 week guided course to teach you how to work with your mensural cycle, unlocking the “super powers” of each inner season/ phase we go through each month.

As feminine beings, our energy is designed to ebb and flow/ change with each season, and at each point in our cycle we can harness the gifts and strengths at these changing points to live a stronger more empowered life.

You receive a 23 page E book outlining everything you need to know about how to get the best out of ourselves, working with our body’s rhythms not against them.

This E book includes

  • Understanding the inner 4 seasons and how to work with them each month.

  • Diet for your cycle and each season

  • Seed cycling tips

  • Exercise at each stage/ season of your cycle.

  • How Hormones influence the body at each season.

  • All about your Menstrual Blood, what is it telling you.

  • How to track your cycle correctly.

    This course also includes a private group to support you through a full 4 weeks cycle so regardless of which season you start the course in we will be there to support you through each phase, empowering you with knowledge for life going forward.

    There will be two live video calls starting

7pm Monday the 2nd of May ending 7pm Monday the 30th May

These calls will be recorded and sent to each member if you can’t make the live calls.

Investment for this course is $169.99 for our opening round.

Hosted by Tegan and Casey from Divine Skin and Beauty.
